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"A Childhood", a NEW COLLECTION of Word Paintings poetry, is now available from Amazon in paperback.

Poems inspired by lingering childhood memories


There is a child in us

the beginning of who

we are encouraging
each of us to factor

joy into the choices

we make in order to

live out our lives fully

The Online Book Club
Jonn Trovato’s “A Childhood” is a poignant collection that artfully blends poetry and drama to offer readers a profound exploration of the multifaceted experiences of youth. Professionally edited and skillfully crafted, this book invites readers into a world where innocence intertwines with introspection, and where the emotional landscapes of childhood are vividly portrayed through Trovato’s evocative language and narrative versatility.

At its core, “A Childhood” celebrates the essence of growing up. Trovato masterfully navigates themes ranging from the pure wonder of discovery to the complexities of familial relationships and the challenges of personal growth. Through his poetic prowess, he paints scenes that resonate deeply, capturing the reader’s imagination with rich imagery and heartfelt reflections.

The collection opens with a series of poems that evoke the innocence and curiosity of childhood. Trovato’s use of lyrical language transports readers to moments of youthful exploration, where every experience, from the first encounter with nature to the discovery of personal identity, is imbued with a sense of wonder and possibility. These poems serve not only to entertain but also to provoke introspection, inviting readers to reminisce about their own early years and the magic of seeing the world through untainted eyes.




The Prairies Book Review
A beautiful collection that evokes nostalgia and empathy while capturing both the joys and challenges of growing up…


Trovato masterfully captures the essence of youth with heartfelt sincerity in his latest collection of short poems. Divided into four sections, the book takes readers on a nostalgic journey through childhood.




"The Shape of Darkness The Shadow of Death", a collection of Word Paintings poetry, is available from Amazon in paperback. 


Poems based on first-hand experiences, lasting memories and present day concerns.

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There was darkness

all around me in the

middle of the day with

light just ahead in the

midst of a forest that

could have been taken

from my childhood just

waiting to be explored

but trying to do so was

as impossible as what

I was then witnessing

given the place and the

unnatural peacefulness

along with the pain


Oneline Book Club Review

The Shape of Darkness The Shadow of Death: Poems is a poetry collection written by Jon Trovato. The book is divided into four sections: Damages, Diminishings, Determinations, and Destinies. The poems in each section have certain underlying themes, but overall they are a reflection of the author's experiences and opinions on war, leadership failures and the consequent risk of its institutions' collapse, and other personal and societal issues.


The Prairies Book Review

Exquisitely lyrical and tender… A striking collection.


Trovato’s latest is a collection of poems driven by his own experiences, enduring memories, and present-day concerns.


Divided into four sections, these sharp poems combine melancholic pain, sensitivity, and resilience.


"Loving", a book of Word Paintings love poetry, is available from Amazon in paperback. 


Poetic interpretations of Loving Relationships

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Her smiles
along with
her sounds
remain with me
as do her
willing kisses
and guileless
spellbinding serenity
they intertwined
our lives
for a time
entangled us
in a love
that had
the feel
of eternity
and the
of a
setting sun




The Prairies Book Review

​A Passionate Meditation on Love and Relationships…

Trovato delivers a moving ode to a lover’s memory in his reflective latest. Divided into four parts, the collection delves into the essence of loving relationships.


Devotion and enduring love are rendered in their full complexity in “An Apparition.” “Truly Tranquil” vibrates with the admiration that comes with being desperately in love with someone.


In the collection, one notices the faithful devotion of a star-crossed lover: “Her perfections were/ legion each of them/ treasures to behold/ whether gifts of birth/ or self-earned through/ discipline or determination.”




"Wonder", a book of Word Paintings poetry, is available from Amazon in paperback. 


Poetic interpretations of the Cosmos

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What plays host to our cosmos
to the infinity we observe

tolerates its expansion

shoulders its growth

is it a one of a kind

sea of stars or do

others exist alongside

and around this fabric

of space and time that

can shed new light on

where they and we

come from and will end

a region beyond

mathematical measure

a realm outside

our comprehension

the origin of everything

the playground

of the gods




Are you a science lover? Do you love reading about cosmos, the universe, sky, stars, etc.? If yes, then you should read Wonder: In the Presence of Infinity by Jon Trovato, as you would love it. If no, then you must read this book, as it would change your perception and make you fall in love with the science of the universe.


The Prairies Book Review

An unusual and serious meditation on existence.



A fascinating read.





"The Firefly Collection", a book of Word Paintings love poetry, is available from Amazon in both paperback and ebook formats. 


Poetic interpretations of Love



Suddenly and gracefully

you seated yourself

barely an arm’s length

from me

at the entrance

to a woodland

familiar to both of us

on a night with neither

moon nor stars

when out of the darkness

a strand of tiny suns


as if summoned

from a distant sky

each of them as fully

entranced with your glow

as you were with theirs

signaling they and you

had met this way often

and would do so




The Prairies Book Review

A Beautiful Collection!


Good Reads

There is a tenderness in Trovato's poetry tht goes straight to the heart.






© Jon Trovato. Copying is prohibited by law.

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